Antisocial behaviour
ASB support
Information on support available if you are a victim or witness to ASB.
Victim support
You can request support on the Victim Support Website.
The Victim Support Website also details more information on Antisocial Behaviour.
London Victim and Witness Service(LVWS).
If you have been affected by any crime type, you may access support through LVWS. This service is provided by Victim Support and is independent of the police. For more information visit the LVWS website, or call the helpline on 0808168
If a matter that you are a victim or a witness of goes to court, Victim and Witness Information offers advice on the court process.
ASB Help
Information on anti-social behaviour can be found on ASB Help website ASB Help aims to provide information and advice to interested parties and members of the public involved with and suffering from ASB.
ASB Help focuses on equipping victims of ASB with the necessary tools to effectively report it. You can also ask for advice via the ASB Help website.
If you would like to talk about something that is bothering you which is causing you to suffer from mental health/suicidal thoughts, contact Samaritans on (24 hour free helpline) 116 123.
Kingston wellbeing service
If you or someone you know is experiencing issues with drug and/or alcohol use, the Kingston Wellbeing Service is available to local residents aged 18 and over. The service provides community treatment for dependence on alcohol and a range of drugs.
For more informationvisit the Kingston Wellbeing Service website.
Alternatively you can call 020 3317 7900 or email
Citizen Advice Bureau
If you need further advice or support, you can visit or contact the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Kingston Citizens Advice can be contacted by calling, 020 3166 0953 or by visiting Citizens Advice Kingston.
Early help and homelessness
Rough sleeping can sometimes be associated with nuisance activities such as begging, street drinking and antisocial behaviour. However rough sleeping alone is not considered ASB.
Visit the Early Help and Homelessness page to get more information on how to support a person who is homeless/rough sleeping. If you see a rough sleeper, you can notify Streetlink London, who will attempt to connect them with available support.