Noise issues
What is a noise nuisance?
A noise nusiance is noise that interferes significantly with your right to enjoy your home.
Noise is not a statutory nuisance just because it is loud. The person responsible for the noise must be acting unreasonably.
We also consider:
- how often the noise occurs
- how long the noise sounds for
- how loud it is
- the time of day or night
- the character of the noise (whether it has any particularly annoying characteristics)
- the nature of the area
We can usually take action for persistent noise disturbance from:
- amplified music
- barking dogs
- DIY activities
- car and burglar alarms
- building sites (if the noise is outside specified working hours)
- noisy deliveries
- licensed premises
- commercial and industrial activities
- plant and equipment (machinery noise, such as air conditioning and extractor fans etc)
We cannot take action for noises such as:
- general domestic noise transmitted through poor sound insulation
- children playing inside and outside premises
- shouting and fighting
- traffic noise
- aircraft noise
- noise from rowdy or antisocial behaviour in the street or public places