Our Policies and Standards

Safeguarding and Prevent Policy

‘Safeguarding’ is a term which covers the full range of preventative measures in place to protect children, young people and adults at risk of abuse from potential dangers. Safeguarding and Prevent are an integral part of Kingston Adult Education so that:

  • Learners feel safe and secure and can concentrate on their learning
  • Learners can rely on those in positions of trust
  • Staff feel safe and secure and supported in their duties
  • Staff are protected from misplaced allegations
  • Everyone in the organisation is clear about roles, responsibilities and boundaries
  • Volunteers are clear about their responsibilities
  • KAE is demonstrating that welfare is a priority
  • Learners, staff and volunteers will be protected, abuse may be prevented and any incidents or issues are dealt with in an appropriate way
  • Learners are able to learn in an environment that is free from radical and extremist views

Kingston Adult Education, as part of the Royal Borough of Kingston, will also follow the Council’s policy guidelines for the protection of adults and children at risk of abuse. KAE’s independent policy will be subject to annual review by the Governing Body and the Safeguarding Team.  If you would like a copy of our full Safeguarding Policy, please contact us.

To contact the Safeguarding team call 0208 547 6700 or email adult.education@kingston.gov.uk


The focus of Prevent is to reduce the threats, risks and vulnerabilities posed by domestic and international extremists and stop people from supporting or becoming terrorists.

Kingston Adult Education's Prevent Strategy aims to:

  1. Raise awareness
  2. Identify early and correctly signpost
  3. Refer any concerns, following the correct procedures.
  4. Safeguard all learners

If you would like a copy of our full Prevent policy, please contact us.

If you have a Prevent concern contact the Safeguarding team call 0208 547 6700 or email adult.education@kingston.gov.uk

Last Modified: 01/08/2023 12:42:44