Tree planting

Tree planting 2023-24

This winter, between October 2023 and March 2024, we will be planting 450 new trees across the borough. Residents are invited to suggest planting locations and can choose up to three streets from a list of potential tree planting locations

Our online tree planting consultation closed on 28 October 2023.

The winter tree planting programme is an annual initiative which aims to boost biodiversity, while safeguarding the borough's natural surroundings. Last year, we were able to plant more than 500 trees.

Our trees are always planted in the winter months when they are dormant, as this increases survival rates. When a tree is removed, it may not be possible to immediately replace a tree in that exact location, or it may take some time to plant another tree.

Last Modified: 09/04/2024 14:12:31