Greener driving

Electric vehicles (EVs)

The UK government has announced that the end of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans would be in 2035. 

The council recognises the need to support residents to switch to ultra-low emission and electric vehicles (EV’s) and is working with charge point operators to increase the availability of public charge points in the borough. 

Electric vehicles help to improve air quality as they have no tailpipe emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulates. EVs also produce less noise pollution, which contributes to streets that feel calmer and more welcoming. 

There are three broad classifications of charge points, based on the power output and charging time:

  • ‘Slow’ chargers (3.6kW - 5.5kw) are best for overnight charging for residential streets with limited off-street parking and usually take between 6 and 12 hours to charge.

  • ‘Fast’ chargers cover those with 7kW and 22kW power outputs, which typically charge an electric vehicle in 3-4 hours.

  • ‘Rapid’ chargers (50kw) typically charge an electric vehicle to 80% in around 30 minutes.

Ultra Low Emission (ULEV)  Policy and Action Plan

Electric chargers are available throughout the borough and are increasingly being installed at new sites across the UK on private land, local authority and TfL land.

Our Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV) Policy and Action Plan, aims to encourage a shift from more polluting vehicles to electric vehicle (EV) ownership by developing the infrastructure to support EV charging in locations across the borough.

The council will be preparing a new EV Charging Strategy to replace this existing ULEV policy.   

Where can I find on-street charging points?

We have a growing number of on-street charging points available to use in Kingston, our map below shows the locations of lamp column charging points, fast charging points and rapid charging points. 

This map will be periodically updated as we increase the number of charging points available in Kingston. To close the map menu to get a better view of the map click twice on the + (plus).

You will also be able to find most of these charging points mapped on popular EV charging website Zap-Map (please note Zap-Map is a third party service, the council does not control when markers may appear).

Source London fast charging points

The council has worked with Source London to install fast charging points (7kw and 22kw) at 11 sites (17 charging points) during 2020 and 9 more sites (13 charging points) in 2021. 

These Source London charge points have provided EV and plug-in hybrid owners with a total of 50 dedicated EV charging bays they can use across the borough.

You can see these charging points mapped on Source London’s station map

For details on pricing please see the Source London website. 

Rapid Charge Points

In 2020, we worked with TfL to install 4 Rapid Charge Points (43kw/50kw) on Kingston highway land. These Rapid Charge Points are operated by BP Pulse

  • Cambridge Road, KT3 3QE
  • The Triangle, KT1 3RU 
  • South Lane, KT3 5ES
  • North Parade, KT9 1QF

You will find other rapid charging points in the borough which are on TRLN ‘Red Routes’ or land owned by TfL - these charging points are overseen by TfL. 

Lamp Column Charging Points

Kingston has received funding from London Councils’ GULCS (Go Ultra Low Cities Scheme) and further funding from the Office of Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme to install charging points into lamp columns. 

We delivered 100 lamp column charging points in 2021 and are currently delivering at least 150 more in 2023. 

These lamp column charging points are best suited to residential streets with limited off-street parking or where residents would be unable to install their own home charging point. 

To use these charging points download the SureCharge, CityEV opencard or Joju Charging smartphone apps which are available for both Android and iPhone. Please refer to the apps for pricing. 

Residents can also use the Bonnet app, which provides additional features which EV drivers may be able to benefit from, such as being able to be notified when specific charging points become available to use.

Please note that the parking restrictions already in place apply when using these lamp column charging points. If the lamp column charging point is in a permit parking area, you will need to have the necessary permit to charge from the lamp column.

Where else can I charge?

There are currently 12 old model charging points located on Kingston roads and in some of the council car parks.

Car Parks:

  • Bittoms Car Park - 1 charger (Slow)

  • Blagdon Car Park- 3 (Slow)

  • Rose Car Park- 2 (Slow)

  • Hook Centre Car Park - 1 (Fast)

On-street charging points:

  • Fairfield Road - 1 (Fast)

  • St Marks Hill - 1 (Fast)

  • Claremont Road - 1 (Slow)

  • Bridge Road - 1 (Fast)

Government EV chargepoint grants for landlords, residents and businesses

There are now Government grants that are available to landlords, residents and businesses to help with the cost of installing charging points in off-street parking areas they own and control.

These are Government grants, these are not administered by Kingston council.

EV charging grant for landlords - a grant towards the cost of installing charging point for those residents who live in flats, rented accommodation and leasehold properties. (this replaces the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme (EVHS) which is no longer available)

EV infrastructure grant for staff and fleets - a grant towards installing the facilitating infrastructure needed to operate charging points.

Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS) - a grant towards the cost of installing a charging point in a workplace parking area, for use by employees.

Please see the Office for Zero Emissions page for more detailed information: 

Grant schemes for electric vehicle charging infrastructure - GOV.UK

There are also grants available to help towards the cost of purchasing plug-in vehicles. Please see the Office for Zero Emissions page for more detailed information: 

Grants for plug-in vehicles - GOV.UK

Charging at home? 

If you have your own private driveway next to your own property you may be able to install a home charge point on the side of your property.

If you do not have off-street parking at your property it is important that you do not trail a charging cable from your property over the pavement to your vehicle parked on the road. 

Such a cable could pose a trip hazard and you could be held liable for any accidents if a pedestrian were to trip on the cable. 

Suggest a location for an on-street electric vehicle charge point

If you would like to suggest a location for on-street charge points, we now have a new Kingston Let's Talk Electric Vehicle Charging Point survey where you can provide your suggestions to us directly.

We have also provided some Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) information to accompany the survey and to provide residents with more context about how on-street electric vehicle charging points are delivered.

Please be advised that the installation of on-street electric vehicle charging points is generally approached in batches, meaning any suggestion will be added to a list and reviewed when we are able to work with a charging point operator to determine if there is a location nearby where a on-street charging point can be delivered.  

As such it is not generally possible to give a specific timeframe for delivery of a specific charging point. We may use your suggestions to determine where to deliver on-street charging points across a range of different charging point projects.

If you live in Sutton, a similar survey is available for residents London Borough of Sutton. We have provided this link as some on-street electric vehicle charging point projects could be undertaken jointly across both boroughs.

Last Modified: 23/07/2024 13:53:35