Greener driving

While we are working hard to promote other modes of transport, for those who need to drive we are keen to promote greener driving to reduce congestion and emissions and make our streets healthier, more enjoyable places to be. 

Car share 

Share the cost of your journey with others and help reduce congestion and pollution. If half of UK motorists received a lift one day a week, congestion and pollution would be reduced by ten per cent and traffic jams by 20 per cent. More information is available from the Liftshare website.

Car clubs

Car clubs are schemes that allow you to 'pay as you go' for your car use and use a car when you really need it, without the cost or hassle of owning one, freeing up valuable kerb space for other uses. Zipcar is our car club partner and provides all the on-street car club bays within the borough. More information is available from the Zipcar website.

Last Modified: 31/03/2022 14:48:29

Sustainable Transport Team

Address: Guildhall 2
2nd Floor
Kingston upon Thames

Telephone: 020 8547 5002