Planning your future

As a carer in Kingston, it's important to focus not only on your caring responsibilities but also on your personal and career development. This guide provides resources and advice to support your growth and wellbeing.

Understanding your needs

It’s important to understand what you need when trying to balance looking after someone with your own personal and future plans. You might find it tough to manage your time and handle the stress that can come with caring for someone, but you can achieve a balance with the right resources and support.

In Kingston, you can take a short break from caring and arrange home care so you can work on your growth and wellbeing.

Career development opportunities in Kingston

You might want to:

If you want to develop your digital skills

You might be able to get free training to use the internet and use mobile applications.

Superhighways can help you use your mobile or computer to book a GP appointment online or use Google to search for a job.

If you are a live-in carer

If you have full-time caring responsibilities and cannot leave your home easily, there are many online learning opportunities. You could:

Kingston offers workshops and short courses online focusing on skill development, which can also provide networking opportunities.

If you’re working and caring 

As a carer in employment, you have access to a range of rights and support. This includes the ability to request flexible working arrangements, take time off for emergencies involving dependants, and possibly receive paid compassionate leave in specific circumstances. You are also protected against discrimination and can look forward to the new right to request unpaid Carers' leave starting April 2024.

Networking and community support


  • joining local support groups: Groups like Kingston Carers' Network offer valuable support and networking opportunities
  • attending community events: Participate in events and workshops in Kingston focused on personal growth and career development

Maintaining your wellbeing

Remember to:

  • seek health and wellness programmes: Look for local programmes designed for carers, focusing on stress management and self-care
  • use counselling services: counselling can provide essential emotional support, helping you manage the stress of caregiving

Last Modified: 14/02/2024 13:27:55