Prepare yourself and your family for an emergency

An emergency or disaster could mean:

  • loss of services like water, power, gas and telephones 
  • damage or the threat of damage to your property
  • evacuation from your home or neighbourhood 

You can be prepared and put in place a plan if an emergency or disaster happens. This will help you and your family cope with the unexpected. Download the home emergency guide.

How to prepare:

  • make a list of the key risks in and around your home, like gas canisters or nearby rivers
  • create a home emergency plan - how will you respond to the risks you've listed? 
  • you can also get together with your neighbours and create a community plan 
  • check your fire alarms and safety equipment regularly 
  • know how to switch off your water, electricity and gas 
  • plan what to do if flooding threatens your home 
  • keep a list of emergency contact numbers to hand 
  • keep some supplies at home and have a grab bag ready

Get warnings and alerts:

During an emergency:

  • be calm and patient, deal with important things first
  • avoid hazards like fires and damaged power cables
  • care for anyone injured, but only if it is safe to do so 
  • avoid using matches in case gas services are damaged (if you smell gas, turn off the main valve, open the windows, move everyone outside to a safe place)
  • check your neighbours are ok, especially any vulnerable people

If you have to evacuate:

  • follow the directions of emergency services
  • only turn off gas, electricity and water if you know they are not damaged or you've been told to by the emergency services
  • make sure your pets are safe if they can't come with you
  • tell your family and friends where you're going
  • take essential medication with you 
  • secure your home, lock the windows and doors 

Last Modified: 03/05/2023 15:57:54