Preparing to Work in Schools Level 1 · 15/04/2024

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Course name
Preparing to Work in Schools Level 1
Course code
Introduction to the course

If you are working or volunteering at a school or thinking about doing so, this short course is for you.

The objective of this qualification is to prepare you for further learning and training in education, childcare, or early years childcare, whilst developing an understanding of the teaching and learning environment in a school setting. This includes how to support the well-being of a child or young person and their development.

This course acts as an excellent springboard to further school and childcare-based qualifications such as our Teaching Assistant Level 3 Diploma, Principles of Special Educational Needs Level 3 Certificate or Early Years qualifications. Call our team to discuss our comprehensive range of education and childcare courses.

What will I learn?

You will learn about:

- Schools as organisations
- How to keep children safe
- Ways to communicate with children in a learning environment

What are the entry requirements?

There are no specific entry requirements at this stage but the learner should have a good grasp of both written and spoken English to take part in class discussions and for written assignments.

What do I need to bring with me to class?

Pen and paper. This is a hybrid course with some sessions delivered online so you will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet and an internet connection. If you do not have the necessary IT equipment you can still apply for the course as there may be opportunity for equipment loan, depending on personal circumstances

What can I do after my course has finished?

You can progress onto the Level 3 Dilpoma Supporting Teaching and Learning qualifiation

Available concessions
Course may be free depending on your employment status and the state benefits you are receiving.
Qualification Title
Award in Preparing to Work in Schools
Qualification Level
Awarding Body
End of course assessment method/s
Course start and end dates
15-Apr-2024 to 20-May-2024
Time and day
9:30 am to 2:30 pm (Mon)
Course duration
5 weeks / 22.5 hours total
Hook Centre
Site Address

The Hook Centre
9 Green End

How do I apply?

Complete the enrolment form using the link on this course outline. A member of KAE staff will then contact you to confirm the intial assessment and take payment if necessary Your place on the course is not confirmed until this has taken place.

What should I do if I have any questions?


Enrolment link