Essential Digital Skills for Work and Life Entry 3 Award (Digital Skills Qualification) · 16/04/2024

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Course name
Essential Digital Skills for Work and Life Entry 3 Award (Digital Skills Qualification)
Course code
Introduction to the course

This free course will support you to become more confident in using devices such as computers and smartphones for everyday tasks. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a Entry Level Essential Digital Skills for Everyday Life qualification

What will I learn?

This course is designed for adults who already have some basic ability with using digital devices, but lack confidence in using them independently to carry out such tasks as shopping online, installing apps, editing documents, or organising digital files. This course will show you how to do these things as well as communicate with people online, resolve common technical problems, and stay safe online.

What are the entry requirements?

You must be aged 19 or over and have a basic level of English.

What do I need to bring with me to class?

Please bring a pen and paper. You do not need to have your own digital devices as these will be provided for you to use while you are on the course. However, if you have your own smartphone, you may like to bring it so that you can practise with it during the classes.

What can I do after my course has finished?

You can continue to build your digital skills with our Level 1 Essential Digital Skills for Everyday Life qualification course.

Qualification Title
Award in Essential Digital Skills for Work and Life (Entry 3)
Awarding Body
Course start and end dates
16-Apr-2024 to 10-Jul-2024
Time and day
9:30 am to 11:45 am (Tue)
Course duration
12 weeks / 54 hours total
Guildhall and Hook Learning Centre
Site Address

Guildhall 1
Kingston upon Thames

The Hook Centre
9 Green End

How do I apply?

Please either email: or call: 07511 045124

Or complete the form linked below.

What should I do if I have any questions?

Please either email: or call: 07511 045124

Enrolment link