Italian for your holidays · 10/04/2024

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Course name
Italian for your holidays
Course code
Introduction to the course

This course is for those who would like to learn basic Italian to use on holiday to Italian speaking regions.

What will I learn?

You will learn basic vocabulary, conversation and grammar skills

What are the entry requirements?

For complete beginners or those with a little knowledge who would like to brush up their skills.

What do I need to bring with me to class?

Pen and paper

What can I do after my course has finished?

Continue developing your skills in the next level

Available concessions
An early booking discount of 5% is available for all enrolments up to and including the 31st of August. This course is priced at £172.90 for individuals in receipt of a income based state benefit. You will need to be able to provide relevant documentation as evidence. Concessions cannot be used in conjunction with each other.
Course start and end dates
10-Apr-2024 to 10-Jul-2024
Time and day
10:00 am to 12:00 pm (Wed)
Course duration
13 weeks / 26 hours total
Surbiton Library Annexe Small Hall
Site Address

Surbiton Library Annexe Small Hall
Ewell Rd

How do I apply?
Due to ongoing technical issues with online enrolment, please call 020 8547 6700 to book your place on this course
What should I do if I have any questions?


Enrolment link