Watercolour Beginners & Improvers · 08/04/2024

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Course name
Watercolour Beginners & Improvers
Course code
Introduction to the course

Develop the skills required for watercolour painting. A step-by-step exploration of basic watercolour painting. Introduction to materials, learn how to use them through various techniques and methods. Develop your skills whilst acquiring a practical knowledge about colour, the colour wheel, colour-mixing, toning and brush strokes.

What will I learn?

On this course, through demonstrations and one to one guidance, you will learn to: identify suitable equipment, materials and health and safety relevant to the subject; paint a flat wash, graduated wash and colour wash; understand basic colour theory using colour wheels and mixing colour; develop basic skills for painting landscapes, eg. skies, trees, water reflection, flower painting; understand composition; understand perspective; use of a variety of techniques to create texture.

What are the entry requirements?

Open to all

What do I need to bring with me to class?

Please bring a HB pencil, soft eraser, 2 jam jars and a pad of Bockingford 300gsm (140lb) watercolour paper. A further list of paints, brushes and any other equipment will be discussed at the first class. KAE is unable to offer refunds for any materials, equipment or books if the course is subsequently closed.

What can I do after my course has finished?

You can continue in the watercolour class or join another art course using the skills you will develop.

Available concessions
An early booking discount of 5% is available for all enrolments up to and including the 31st of August. This course is priced at £182.88 for individuals in receipt of a income based state benefit. You will need to be able to provide relevant documentation as evidence. Concessions cannot be used in conjunction with each other.
Course start and end dates
08-Apr-2024 to 01-Jul-2024
Time and day
09:30 am to 12:00 pm (Mon)
Course duration
11 weeks / 27.5 hours total
Surbiton Library Annexe Hall
Site Address

Surbiton Library Annexe Hall
Ewell Rd

How do I apply?
Due to ongoing technical issues with online enrolment, please call 020 8547 6700 to book your place on this course
What should I do if I have any questions?

Email: adult.education@kingston.gov.uk

Enrolment link