How can I help tackle climate change?

Green events in Kingston

We’re working with communities to help create a greener future for everyone. Part of this includes working with event organisers to help them create environmentally conscious events that everyone can enjoy.

Sunday 21 January 2023 marked Pongal - a Hindu harvest festival celebrated by Tamils worldwide, including in Kingston. The day is traditionally a celebration to thank the Sun and Mother Nature that help to contribute to a bountiful harvest. 

An event to mark and celebrate Pongal took place in New Malden and embedded nature into all aspects of its planning. 

A recycling station was set up with compostable sacks to avoid any plastics, and visitors were not only encouraged but guided to correctly separate their waste by marshalls standing near the bins.

Pictures of recycling bins at the Tamil festival in New Malden, 2024.

The recycling set-up and commitment to sustainability was mentioned several times by the organisers when delivering speeches on the podium.

Waste was separated into mixed recyclables, biodegradable tableware, coffee cups, paper/cardboard and residual waste. Traditional food was served on plates made of bagasse (waste product of the sugar cane industry) with wooden spoons. 

All coffee cups were recycled in nearby coffee shop, and compostable packaging including leaves composted locally. Decorations were made using palm branches and leaves that were disposed of with garden waste at the end of the festival.

Volunteer at 2023 Tamil Festival

Lunch served for about 75 people was plant-based or vegan. A SriLankan crafts products stall was present, showcasing and selling their eco-friendly products including handmade baskets and bamboo products. 

Vendors had been briefed about the festival’s sustainability theme prior to the event, ensuring their offerings align with the festival’s commitment to environmental consciousness. 

Thank you to Councillor Thay Thayalan and his team for demonstrating by example that sustainable events are possible!

Volunteers at the Tamil Festival 2023

If you're thinking of hosting a community event, please contact climate@kingston for advice on how to make your event more sustainable.

Last Modified: 28/02/2024 17:43:50