Highway searches
You can use the National Street Gazetteer to find out who is responsible for highway maintenance of a street. You can view the information in a map or as a list on their site.
You can contact us if you want to know the extent of an adopted or un-adopted highway (e.g. publicly or privately maintained) in more detail.
Email us with your enquiry and any supporting documents at highwaysearches@kingston.gov.uk.
The information we provide will include a written response. If requested, we’ll also include a Highway Extent plan.
We will send all responses electronically only. Highway search enquiries can take up to 10 working days after we’ve received your payment.
How much it costs (from 1st April 2024)
- £93.23 to provide detailed information
- £87.10 per further question (for example relating to traffic schemes)
You'll find all the details on how you can pay when you submit your inquiry.