Core Strategy

About the Core Strategy

Adopted in April 2012, the Core Strategy Development Plan Document is a plan for the future of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames.

It includes land use policies that form the legal basis for deciding planning applications, allocating land and encouraging investment. It guides future development in the borough up to the year 2027 by defining where we live, work, shop, and are educated. It sets out our network of roads, schools and community centres and maps the conservation and enhancement of our environment.

The council have begun producing the Kingston Local Plan 2019-2041 which when adopted will replace the Core Strategy and Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan as the council's main Development Plan Document. See our Local Plan pages to see progress and ways to get involved in shaping the future of the borough. 

Purchasing paper copies

To request information in an alternative format, please visit our webpage on accessibility, which has details on how to make a request.

Maps of site-specific policies

If a policy within the Core Strategy affects a specific area, you can view that defined area within our LDF web map.

Launch the map and you’ll see a map of the borough with several coloured layers on top, and a key explaining what the layers represent. You can toggle the layers, search and zoom to an address, pan and zoom the map. If you click on the map, you can access additional information on the layers at that location.


Last Modified: 14/10/2022 16:37:48