Young people co-produce plan to make Kingston an even better place to grow up

Kingston’s new Children and Young People’s Plan has been produced with the input of thousands of children and young people who live or learn here.
The plan, shaped around the local, national and global issues that young people say matter most to them, aims to make the borough an even better place to grow up.
The Children and Young People’s Plan focuses on four key themes: Mental Health and Wellbeing, Safety, Equality and Inclusion, and Climate Change.
It covers children and young people aged 0 to 19, extending to age 25 for those with care experience or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
Kingston Council is working together with partners and young people to deliver the plan, and Kingston Youth Forum and the council’s People Committee have both approved and agreed to monitor progress.
Cllr Diane White, Kingston Council portfolio holder for Children’s services said:
“The Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames is valued very highly by families, and I am delighted that our new Children and Young People's Plan will guide us all in making our borough an even better place for our children and young people to live, learn and achieve their potential.
We are very proud that children and young people, including Kingston Youth Forum, have played such a huge part in co-producing this plan and will be holding us accountable for delivering the ambitious priorities which are important to them. We are committed to working in partnership and ensuring that children's and young people's rights and futures are at the forefront of decision making.”