Kingston Council first in UK to implement official hedgehog crossing road signs

Four road signs have been unveiled in Old Malden, Kingston warning drivers to watch out for hedgehogs crossing the road, to help preserve the population and improve biodiversity.
Over the past four years, Kingston Council has worked closely with the London Hogwatch Team to deploy wildlife cameras across the borough. These cameras - placed in parks, schools, churches, and private gardens with the invaluable support of many volunteers - helped identify a hedgehog hotspot in Old Malden.
The Department for Transport recently officially approved hedgehog warning signs, and Kingston is the first council in the UK to install them.
Local resident and hedgehog enthusiast Clare Hellings was instrumental in working with the council, in particular local councillor Mike Massimi, to make the hedgehog crossings a reality.
“I’m delighted that my request for these signs has now become a reality. I hope that they will improve the safety of these endangered but delightful animals that we are lucky to have living in our borough.”
The signs encourage safer driving habits, protecting both hedgehogs and pedestrians.
Kingston Council is committed to protecting biodiversity and the natural environment. As well as the installation of the hedgehog signs, the work with London Hogwatch has also informed the borough’s Species Action Plan for Hedgehogs, launched last year as part of Kingston’s Biodiversity Action Plan.
Councillor Mike Massimi and Biodiversity Officer Elliot Newton who played a pivotal role in this initiative, speak more about it below: