Age Friendly Kingston

Ageing Well in Kingston

A flower format image showing the eight areas for attention in developing Age Friendly Kingston
Age Friendly key areas

Kingston is currently home to 24,900 people aged 65 and over. In 20 years’ time, Kingston will likely be home to 37,000 people in this age group.

With people living longer, it is important to make sure our borough is a place that meets the needs of all of us in the future and as we age. 

In December 2023, The Royal Borough of Kingston joined over 60 other towns and cities in the UK as part Centre for Better Ageing's UK network of Age Friendly Communities.

Kingston has committed to becoming more Age Friendly in our Council Plan for 2023-2027 and this means something for everyone in Kingston. We want to improve healthy ageing and increase a healthy life expectancy in Kingston. This means starting early to ensure healthy lifestyle and outcomes for people of all ages in Kingston - giving them the best opportunity to grow older healthier and expect to enjoy their life to the full longer. 

Move Well, Live Well  

the new programme of activities for you to stay active and connected - whatever your availabilities and wherever you are in the borough

Move Well, Live Well is a new range of curated services from our partners to keep you active and connected, no-matter what your age or abilities.

You can go online to Connected Kingston to find our new ‘Move Well, Live Well’ collection of classes and activities across the borough. These include gentle activities and social sports clubs. You could try something new or rediscover something you love, that will help you move well and live well for longer.  

You can also pick up a printed list of classes from your local library in October 2024.

NEWS - Age Friendly - Leisure Fair

24 October 2024 10am to 12.30pm

Kingston is also holding an ‘age friendly’ Leisure Fair on 24 October 2024 from 10am to 12.30pm at the Kingston Council Guildhall, KT1 1EU, where you can talk to clubs and groups to find out more about activities local to you.

All welcome - come along and talk to our clubs!

What is an Age Friendly Community?

Age friendly communities build a social environment that promote healthy ageing - from adulthood to older age. 

The World Health Organisation has outlined eight areas to help focus improvement to a better ageing experience. These are described on the Centre for Better Ageing's Website.

  1. Outdoor spaces and buildings

  2. Transport

  3. Housing

  4. Social participation

  5. Respect and social inclusion

  6. Civic participation and employment

  7. Communication and information

  8. Community support and health services

Read more about why becoming more Age Friendly is important  

The Kingston Director of Public Health Annual Report - Ageing Well in Kingston

 Our recent independent research Age Friendly Engagement in the Royal Borough of Kingston Report January 2024

Get Involved - come to our event

Help us make Kingston more Age Friendly - become an Ambassador

Kingston Council is looking for Age Friendly Ambassadors to work with us and engage with your friends, contacts, clubs and communities. 

If you are interested in becoming an ambassador or just want to stay informed, you can email

Older people’s physical activity rapid needs assessment - April 2024

We know that as you get older, you’re far more likely to become inactive. Evidence shows that regular physical activity benefits all causes of mortality, reduces stroke and heart disease risk, hypertension, diabetes, 8 different cancers, depression, and improves cognitive function, quality of life, aids weight loss and promotes good sleep in adults of all ages. 

For older adults, physical activity also reduces risk of falls and frailty and improves physical function and it provides opportunities for social interaction; a sense of control over, and responsibility for one’s own health and well-being; and managing or coping with disease symptoms and functional limitations.

As the process of ageing well can be said to start in middle age, and this is a time in life when many people start to become less active. This needs assessment has considered the needs of people over 50, with the community engagement component including anyone aged 50 and over.

The primary aims were to :
  1.  identify priority interventions that could be supported by the Council in order to help older people stay active and prevent physical and mental ill health

  2. To consider ways of making existing services and opportunities more age friendly,

  3. To consider what “activation” is needed to contribute to a longer-term Age Friendly physical activity strategy

The needs assessment report is available to download now





Last Modified: 24/09/2024 08:39:38