Managing stress as a carer

Understanding stress

As a carer, you play a crucial role in supporting others, which can sometimes lead to stress. Recognising signs of stress is the first step in managing it effectively.

Stress is the feeling you get when things seem too much to handle. It’s normal, but too much stress is not good for anyone. If you’re feeling stressed, it’s okay to ask for help.

Early signs of stress

You may feel tired or get headaches. Irritability or sadness might be signs of emotional stress, while constant worry and difficulty concentrating can indicate mental stress.

Tips to manage your stress

You might find it helpful to:

Take a break from caring

You can take someone you care for to a day centre so you can have a few hours or a day or two off to relax. You might be entitled to a one-off discretionary payment, which can help pay for a short break.

Talk to someone

Kingston Carers' Network provides free counselling to carers aged 18 and over. This service offers a confidential space to discuss concerns and is available in person or via telephone or video calls. Contact the Kingston Carers' Network for more details.

Look after your health

It’s important to maintain a balanced diet, get enough sleep and have regular health check-ups.

Tell your GP about your caring role

If you tell your GP you’re a carer,  they’ll register you as a carer. 

When you’re registered, you can get:

  • priority for vaccinations
  • free flu jabs
  • referred to local support networks in Kingston

Support for Young Carers

Young carers can access online support through ‘Kooth online support’, offering counselling and peer support in a safe, anonymous environment

You can also contact the Kingston Young Carers project to learn more about activities you can take part in to manage stress.

Where to get help in Kingston

You can get help from:

Last Modified: 14/02/2024 15:29:36