Flood prevention and managing the risk of flooding
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
As Local Lead Flood Authority, we have a duty, under Section 9 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, to develop, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management. Local flood risk is the risk of flooding from ordinary watercourses, groundwater and surface water.
Our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy was approved on 21 March 2023 by the Place Committee. You can download and view this below:
The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
- 1. Action Plan
- 2.1. Detailed River Network
- 2.2. Risk of fluvial flooding
- 2.3. Risk of surface water flooding
- 2.4. Groundwater flood risk
- 2.5. TWUL sewer flooding incidents
- 2.6. Reservoir flood risk
- 2.7. Historic flood incident
- 3. Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report
- 4. Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening Report
The strategy describes how flood risk will be managed across the borough. It considers the risk of flooding from ordinary watercourses, groundwater and surface water. It outlines our priorities for managing the local flood risk and sets out a delivery plan to manage the risk over the next five years.
We have given consideration to the roles and responsibilities of other risk management authorities across the borough. These include:
- the Environment Agency, who have responsibility for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers
- Thames Water, who have responsibility for managing the risk of flooding from sewers
We've considered how these may interact and influence the risk of flooding from surface water and groundwater.
The strategy includes:
- the risk management authorities within the boundaries of the borough and what management functions each authority has
- the objectives for managing local flood risk, along with how and when they are expected to be achieved
- the cost and benefit of each measure
- an assessment of local flood risk
- an action plan of how and when the strategy is to be reviewed
- how the wider environment will benefit by achieving the objectives set out in the strategy