Amending a planning application

Making changes to a submitted application

We don’t usually allow changes to be made after an application has been submitted, however we will exercise discretion in certain limited circumstances.

We expect that every application is submitted with all relevant information and is ready to be fully assessed.

A decision will be made on an application within the statutory time periods set by the Government. These are: 

  • 8 weeks from receipt for most applications 
  • 13 weeks for major schemes

We strongly encourage getting pre-application advice to ensure that applications are submitted in a form that is likely to be acceptable. 

Unsolicited amendments 

We will not accept unsolicited amendments. If you or your agent submit an unsolicited amendment unilaterally, we will return it and let you know that we cannot accept it.  

When we will accept amendments

If there are exceptional circumstances, we may consider amendments. Either or both of these conditions must apply:

  1. Further analysis of the case means more information or clarification is needed

It will be determined by the Case Officer that further information is needed to complete the assessment of the scheme.  For example, cross sectional or level details drawings.

  1. The amendments are of a minor nature and they would improve the scheme 

It will be determined by the Case Officer that improvement to the application is necessary and must not jeopardise a decision within the statutory period. For example, requiring additional consultation or more detailed third party expert advice.

The final decision rests with the Case Officer.

When we won’t accept amendments

This means we will not generally accept amendments to applications:

  • if they trigger the need for a fresh consultation with residents 
  • it would result in an increase in size or material change to the red edge site boundary
  • it would result in a significant move or relocation of footprint and/or volume and mass of built form
  • it would result in the introduction of materially different uses
  • it would materially increase the visual impact of the development
  • it would materially increase the amenity impact of the development on a feature of recognised sensitivity
  • it would increase the impact of the development on a heritage assets
  • it would exacerbate concerns raised by third parties
  • it would comprise information which could or should have been submitted at the time that the planning application was made

Last Modified: 31/03/2023 13:10:01