Green Economy
Kingston Green Business Community
The Kingston Green Business Community (KGBC) is a forum for businesses and organisations committed to reducing their environmental impact, promoting sustainability, eco-innovating and thriving.
Membership is free and the community is open to all businesses and organisations based and/or operating in Kingston. The Kingston Green Business Community is linked with other business communities with similar objectives.
Find out more and sign up online on the Connected Kingston website.
Business support
Better Futures+ is a free offer of support for SMEs in London, funded by the UK government to support the capital’s journey to net zero. A new programme of fully funded support has just been launched, which can help you to; understand carbon emissions, reduce your energy bills, learn online and in-person, meet like-minded businesses in London and create a sustainable business model. Visit the Better Futures+ website.
Founding members of the community
Aviva, Bentall Centre, Energy Group/Transition Town Kingston, Genuine Solutions, Imperial College, IQ in IT, Kingston Chamber of Commerce, Kingston Council, Kingston First, Kingston Hospital, Kingston University, Lidl, South London Partnership, South Thames Colleges Group, United Business Group, WSP.
The following organisations are members of the Kingston Green Business Community