Re-registering a birth

Find out what you need to do to re-register a birth.

When you can re-register a birth

A birth can only be re-registered if the natural parents: 

  • have married or formed a civil partnership since first registering a birth
  • are not married and the father did not attend the original registration of the birth 

Application form

Download and complete the relevant application form:

Arrange an appointment

Email your completed application form to Once the application has been checked we will contact you to book an appointment.  

If you are re-registering a birth following a marriage or civil partnership, you will also need to email a copy of your marriage certificate. 

New certificates 

You can order a copy of the re-registered birth certificate when booking your appointment. Certificates cost £12.50. 

Change a certificate

Find out how to make changes to an existing certificate.

Last Modified: 28/05/2024 08:24:12