Kingston Shopmobility Service
We provide short-term hire of wheelchairs and scooters to help people get around the shops in Kingston Town Centre.
Who can use the service
If you are disabled or have a mobility condition, you can use the Shopmobility Service. You do not have to be registered as disabled, have a Blue Badge or get disability benefits.
You can hire:
- powered scooters
- powered wheelchairs
- manual wheelchairs
Bookings must be made at least 1 day in advance.

Our hire costs include:
- permanent membership: £10
- 1-day membership: £5
- plus £5 hire charge per day
- wheelchair hire: £10 (overnight), £30 (1 week), reducing to £20 per week for 2 weeks or more
- radar keys: £4 each
Location and opening times
Our service is on level 2 of the Eden Walk Shopping Centre multi-storey car park. There are reserved spaces available for Shopmobility users outside the office.
Our opening times are:
- Monday to Friday: 10 am to 3.45pm
All scooters and wheelchairs must be returned by 3.45pm to allow time for cleaning.
Use the map to find our service