Counselling Skills - Level 2 Certificate · 01/03/2024

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Course name
Counselling Skills - Level 2 Certificate
Course code
Introduction to the course

The qualification would be useful for anyone who would like to develop their use of counselling skills for use in either work or in a personal capacity. These may be learners who wish to progress towards further qualifications, or learners who wish to study this programme in order to complement other programmes (eg health and social care; children's care, learning and development; voluntary and community work).

What will I learn?

This qualification aims to • introduce learners to the use of counselling skills in everyday life and work and some of the approaches that underpin the use of these skills. The objectives of this qualification are to help learners to • develop counselling skills • understand the different approaches involved in the use of counselling skills • appreciate the importance of self-development.

What are the entry requirements?

A good level of English to be assessed at initial assessment.

What do I need to bring with me to class?

Pen and paper. This is a hybrid course with some sessions delivered online so you will need access to a computer, laptop or tablet and an internet connection. If you do not have the necessary IT equipment you can still apply for the course as there may be opportunity for equipment loan, depending on personal circumstances

What can I do after my course has finished?

Learners who achieve this qualification could progress to Level 3 Award in Counselling Skills and Theory or Level 3 Diploma in Counselling Skills.

Available concessions
Course may be free depending on your employment status and the state benefits you are receiving.
Qualification Level
Level 2 Certificate
Awarding Body
End of course assessment method/s
Course start and end dates
01-Mar-2024 to 24-May-2024
Time and day
09:30 am to 12:30 pm (Fri)
Course duration
11 weeks / 33 hours total
Hook Centre
Site Address

The Hook Centre
9 Green End

How do I apply?

Complete the enrolment form using the link on this course outline. A member of KAE staff will then contact you to confirm the intial assessment and take payment if necessary Your place on the course is not confirmed until this has taken place.

What should I do if I have any questions?


Enrolment link