Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan

This is our framework for future developments in the town centre up to 2020, including shops, housing, transport, jobs and public spaces.

It identifies key areas for new development and facilities and key areas for conservation and enhancement. It also highlights environment and transport improvements, to protect the town centre from inappropriate development and to preserve its character, historic environment and riverside.

Through the area action plan we will ensure that Kingston Town Centre:

  • remains a thriving metropolitan centre serving the needs of its catchment
  • provides a sustainable and enhanced range of town centre services and facilities
  • is a high quality environment, accessible to everyone
  • provides a good quality of life, work and leisure for residents, workers, students and visitors.

Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan

The council have begun producing the Kingston Local Plan 2019-2041 which when adopted will replace the Core Strategy and Kingston Town Centre Area Action Plan as the council's main Development Plan Document. See our Local Plan pages to see progress and ways to get involved in shaping the future of the borough.

Last Modified: 16/07/2021 17:02:53