Core Strategy

Consultation period

The Core Strategy was developed between 2009 and 2011 with various stages of consultation.

The Core Strategy Issues and Options consultation

We consulted with the local community from 23 March to 11 May 2009. We then published a report describing the different consultation methods used and their outcome (see the Core Strategy Issues and Options consultation document). We considered all responses given and used them to build the next version of the Core Strategy - the Preferred Strategy.

The Preferred Strategy consultation

The local community were consulted on the Preferred Strategy from 30 November 2009 to 22 January 2010. This consultation helped us to develop the next version of the Core Strategy - the Publication document.

In January 2010 Mary Travers of the Planning Inspectorate visited us as part of the Planning Inspectorate's "critical friend" service. Mary identified matters and questions that seemed potentially problematic in terms of the soundness of the document. 

The Publication document

The local community were invited to make representations on the Publication document between 31 January and 14 March 2011. Representation had to be on matters of soundness - so whether the document is:

  • justified
  • effective
  • deliverable
  • consistent with national guidance

These representations were considered and used to shape the documents that were then submitted to the Secretary of State in 2011.

Read the Core strategy consultation reports

Last Modified: 26/11/2020 14:04:29