Local Land Charges search

How to request a search

Official Searches of the Local Land Charges Register are made with the LLC1 form and Enquiries of a Local Authority are made on forms CON29 and CON29O as follows:

1.Please submit applications using NLIS (National Land Information Service):

This is our preferred option for search requests. You will be able to make your payment using BACS.

2.Or you can submit a request directly to us by email: local.landcharges@kingston.gov.uk Payment by BACS must be included with your application.

NB: We will no longer accept postal applications and payment by cheque.

Below is the procedure for electronic submission of an Official LLC1 and CON29 and CON29O forms and payment details. 


LLC1/CON29/CON29O forms must be correctly completed by the applicant and attached to the email request. We are unable to supply the forms or process your request without them.  Please see the Law Society website for a list of law stationers:

Email Request and Payment:

Please follow these instructions as it will speed up acceptance and processing of your request.

  • email request for Official Search – (LLC1/CON29/CON29O) to be sent to local.landcharges@kingston.gov.uk
  • email Subject line to say - BACS Payment Official LLC Search Request
  • BACS Payment Ref must include: LLC at the start/followed by part of search address/followed by applicants initial

Example: a search request for 20 Acacia Avenue New Malden from Royal Borough of Kingston would have the following BACS payment reference: LLC/20AcaAvNM/RBK. NB the maximum number of characters allowed in a BACS reference is 18.

Bank details for BACS Payment are:

Lloyds Bank Plc
Sort Code: 30-80-12
A/C Number: 14717168
A/C Name: Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames - Direct Credit Account
IBAN:GB83 LOYD 3080 1214 7171 68

Processing applications - We are not able to begin processing any search request until confirmation of the BACS payment has been received from our cashiers.

Last Modified: 01/08/2023 10:59:35