Sports grounds safety

Safety certificates for sports stands

If you operate a sports ground which is not designated as requiring a safety certificate, you will still require a safety certificate for any covered stand that holds 500 or more spectators (known as a regulated stand). 

"Stand", in relation to a sports ground, means an artificial structure (not merely temporary) which provides accommodation for spectators and is wholly or partly covered by a roof, and, in relation to the number of spectators in a stand provided with covered accommodation, "covered" means covered by the roof or other part of the structure which constitutes the stand.

A safety certificate may be either: 

  • A general safety certificate which covers the use of the stand for viewing an activity, or a number of activities, specified in the certificate for an indefinite period which starts on a specified date 
  • A special safety certificate which covers the use of the stand for viewing a certain specified activity or activities on a certain specified occasion or occasions 

One certificate may cover more than one stand.

For any sports ground situated in Kingston we will determine whether any, and if so, which stand(s) is a regulated stand(s).

Contact the Licensing Team to find out whether you require a safety certificate and for information on how to apply. 

Last Modified: 13/01/2020 10:54:01