Who is an unpaid carer

How Kingston recognise your carers rights

Kingston has a responsibility to support you in your role as a carer.

We at Kingston, together with carers and partners, created the 2022-2027 All Age Carers Strategy to meet the diverse needs of our carers.

The strategy explains how we and our partners offer a range of support services to help you understand your caring rights. Learn more about our strategy.

As a carer, you can:

  • get practical advice on managing daily care 
  • join local support groups in Kingston to share experiences and advice with other carers, and find a supportive community for your caregiving journey
  • learn about respite care available in your area so you can take a short break when you need it
  • get advice on your employment rights
  • apply for financial support and benefits such as Carer's Allowance, disability benefits, and council tax reductions to help you manage your finances effectively
  • understand how to care for yourself and plan for your future
  • apply for the carers emergency alert card so you can use it as a personal identification to let others know you’re an unpaid carer

Last Modified: 09/02/2024 15:02:15