Advanced information on air quality

Air quality and development

Mitigating the impact of development

Construction and development can have a major negative impact on local air quality if appropriate steps are not taken to minimise emissions. For this reason, we are likely to request that an Air Quality Assessment is carried out and submitted with any application for a development that meets at least one of the following:

  • Developments comprising 10 or more residential units

  • Developments covering an area of 1000m2 or more

  • Developments where there are sensitive receptors within 50m

  • Developments that will introduce receptors into an area where air quality objectives are already being exceeded

  • Developments that will result in a significant increase in vehicle movements e.g. a new supermarket

As a minimum, an Air Quality Assessment must include:

  • A description of the site context

  • Policy background

  • Assessment methodology

  • Baseline air quality conditions

  • Construction-phase impacts and recommendations for mitigation

  • Use-phase impacts and recommendations for mitigation where applicable

  • Air quality neutral assessment

  • Assessment of the impact of existing air pollution on future occupiers and mitigation where necessary

The omission within your report of any section from this list must be justified. Air quality assessments should be carried out in accordance with best practice guidance: 

All major developments in the borough must comply with the Mayor of London's SPGs for:

Last Modified: 22/02/2023 16:24:17