The Electoral Register
Find out information about the electoral register and how you can view it.
Types of electoral register
When you register to vote, your name will go on an electoral register. This is a list of people eligible to vote.
We have to keep 2 registers.
The electoral register (full version)
This is a securely held list of names and addresses. The register is used for limited purposes specified in law, such as elections, detecting crime (e.g. fraud) and checking credit applications.
The register is a public document that is open for inspection and can be viewed under supervision at the Guildhall, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU.
Contact Electoral Services for more information on 020 8547 5026 or by email at
The open register (previously known as the edited register)
This is a list of names and addresses which can be sold to anyone on request and can be used for mail marketing purposes. You can request that your details be excluded from this register by completing our online form, emailing or writing to Electoral Services, Guildhall, Kingston upon Thames, KT1 1EU.
The legislation website has further information on the 2 registers.
Viewing the Electoral Register
The current Electoral Register is available for supervised inspection at:
High Street
Kingston upon Thames
Tel: 020 8547 6738
Historic electoral registers are available for supervised inspection at:
Kingston History Centre
High Street
Kingston upon Thames
Tel: 020 8547 6738