Child protection enquiries

Next steps

If the social workers think the concerns about your child aren’t true, or their injuries were accidental, things might not go any further.

If it looks like the child has suffered significant harm or neglect:

  • the enquiries will continue
  • the police may question anyone they suspect of harming the child
  • a Child Protection Conference may be called – you will be invited to this

Read more about Child Protection Conferences

We can make further enquiries about other children and family members, and might sometimes have to get other children medically examined to ensure they haven’t been harmed.

Social Services and the police may decide together to interview your child on video, to help as evidence in any potential criminal proceedings.

Sometimes Children’s Health and Social Care have to get Court authority to protect your child and their welfare. If this means taking your child away from you, we can ask other family members to help.

Last Modified: 23/09/2020 10:55:05